How to Maximize Your Solar Investment?

You don’t have to spend too much of your money or time to maximize your solar investment. With a few behavioral changes, you should be able to achieve your goal.

You will have to use up all the electricity that you generate from your solar panels, during the day itself. If you don’t have a battery or a storage device to store your solar power, here are a few tips that can help you make the most out of your solar:

Change Your Charging Schedule

Since you need to use up all the solar energy during the day, get into the habit of charging all your laptops, devices, and other gadgets while the sun is still shining. Don’t forget to unplug them in the evening.

Time Your Chores Aptly

If you use washing machines and dishwashers regularly, it is best to fill them up and set their timers so that they can function during the day.  This way you can make the most out of the solar energy that your panels generate. If your solar panels are facing north, you may want to set the timer between 10 am and 2 pm on sunny days. Try afternoons if they are west facing. For east-facing panels, the best time would be in the morning.

Switch off HVAC appliances in the evening

The heating and cooling appliances that you use consume about 18 percent of the energy on your bill. So, while your solar panels are still producing energy, make sure you adjust the temperature of your home. Bring the temperature to the correct level in the middle of the afternoon. This way you will feel comfortable when you switch off your heating and cooling system in the evening.

Try Slow Cooking

Use a slow cooker to cook your meals during the day. It may not work for all of your dishes, but it can be great for one-pot meals. Slow cookers are said to use less energy and distribute flavors in a better way. Also, they come with a ‘warm’ functionality that keeps your food warm till dinner time, while using less power.

Go for Battery Operated or Rechargeable Appliances

You can make the most of your solar energy if you use appliances that work on rechargeable batteries. You can charge them during the day and use them at night. Most cordless appliances are usually battery-operated. Always look for EECA Energy Star Ratings while buying appliances. They use less energy and can be easily charged during the day, while your solar panels are still producing energy.

Manage your Swimming Pool

If you own a swimming pool here are a few things you can do, to save energy. Operate your heating and cooling systems while your solar panels are still receiving sunlight. You can even set the timer to ensure this routine is managed.

Switch Over to the Smart Home Technology

Most of the devices that are available in the market today operate on smart home technology. You can control them remotely through your smartphone, be it lights, thermostats, or any appliances. This can help you save energy even while you are not at home.

The Bottom Line

Getting a solar system installed is the first step in making your home energy efficient. All that you need to do is get in touch with a few solar system installers through solar leads. However, you need to make some changes in your lifestyle, if you want to make the most out of the solar energy that your system produces. Make sure you consider your previous energy consumption as well as future energy needs, before selecting a system.

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